Those who intend to study in Turkey can apply to university dormitory at different prices that suit everyone, There must be dormitory close to the university, especially in Istanbul, to avoid wasting time on transportation, there are special dormitory for males and females
University residences (dormitory) are categorized into the following as below :
Government dormitory known as KYK :
It is spread in all Turkish states and belongs to the Ministry of Sports and Youth,Characterized by being close to universities, which makes transportation easy for students,They are provided with several free services such as,
- Daily housekeeping
- Internet
- TV
- Sports halls in a most of the dormitory, but not all of it.
- Meals (breakfast + lunch)
- Washing clothes
- Safety where people outside the dormitory can not enter it and be monitored with cameras 24/7
The number of student in each room is between 3 and 6 .
The most important characteristic of this dormitory is that it has a nominal monthly fee that is ranging between 200 and 280 Turkish liras , which is a small amount in relation to the rent of houses and apartments in Turkey.
This apply to this dormitory can be registered for foreign students. Through an application , the application starts in October of each year, but admission opportunities are low in Istanbul due to the high number of students and the opportunities for admission increase in other states.

Private dormitory, which is licensed by the Turkish government :
There are also dormitory belonging to private properties that are licensed by the government, thies dormitory could be luxury and have more quality services than the government dormitory , as well as individual and bilateral rooms.
- Daily housekeeping
- Internet
- TV
- Meals (breakfast + lunch)
- Washing clothes
- Safety where people outside the dormitory can not enter it and be monitored with cameras 24/7
And of course, since it is a private dormitory with the ability to choose rooms, the monthly fee is different, as there are many prices and wide options, ranging from 800 to 2000 TL according to the region, the number of student in the room and the quality of services.
Registration for the foreign student for this dormitory is very easy, as it is sufficient to bring the student document from the university to which he belongs and some personal papers.